Key step passed on route to Citrepel’s full EU approval

The dossier relating to full registration of Citrepel 75 on the Biocidal Products Register has been submitted and passed the initial check.

The assessment for its approval as an active substance by the European Chemicals Agency is now under way. Although Citrepel 75 has effectively been included on the Biocidal Products Register for a number of years, the original substance was redefined in 2017, requiring the submission of new documentation.

Following submission of the dossier, Citrepel’s approval as an active substance will be validated and, on completion, Citrepel 75 will move to the Article 95 list of fully supported substances. In the meantime, it continues to be included on the list as a participant in the Review Programme.

Throughout this regulatory process, the status of Citrepel 75 as being compliant with EU requirements and therefore available for use in products has remained uninterrupted. Customers can maintain full confidence in the passage of Citrepel 75 to fully a included substance.